Basic Term Life/AD&D Insurance
Term Life insurance provides valuable financial protection for your family. Bartow County Schools is pleased to offer $15,000 of Basic Life and AD&D Insurance through The Standard.
Voluntary Life/AD&D
It’s not easy to think about how our loved ones will survive financially should we no longer be with them. Although Basic Life Insurance does provide them with some benefit in the event of our death, will that be enough? Unfortunately, when a primary wage earner passes away, 34% of households would have immediate trouble paying everyday living expenses; 29% could cover everyday living expenses for only several months; and only 36% could cover everyday living expenses well into the future.1 While there are many different ways to estimate how much money your dependents may need, we suggest a combined amount of term life insurance that is five to eight times your annual income as a good starting place. Again, this is an estimated amount of life insurance coverage you and your family could consider. A complete financial plan for your family should take into account your specific circumstances including your debt, other obligations, available resources and many other factors.
- All benefits eligible employees
- Legally married spouse under age 70
- Child(ren) age 14 days to 26 years of age
Coverage and Monthly Premiums
- Your premiums are based on the coverage amount you elect and your age
- Spousal rates are based on the spouse’s age
- Coverage available in $10,000 increments for employees and $5,000 increments for dependent spouses
Guaranteed Issue Amounts:
Employee: Up to $250,000
Spouse: Up to $25,000
Child(ren): Flat $10,000 per dependent child
You may be eligible to port this coverage with you if you terminate employment prior to age 70.
Plan Documents/ Resources
Bartow County Schools Voluntary Life Highlight
These documents are not a contract for coverage. Certain restrictions may apply.
Please refer to the certificate booklets for complete reductions and benefit limitations and restrictions.